Welcome to Naito laboratory, Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka Metropolitan University
We are focused on the field of organic electronics, particularly in the areas of optical and electronic characterization of organic semiconductors. Our interests also include the physics of these devices, their simulation, and predicting their opto-electronic properties. I am seeking collaborators in these areas. If you are interested, please contact us using the email address provided below.
Dr Hiroyoshi Naito, Research Professor of Osaka Metropolitan University
Professor Emeritus, Osaka Prefecture University
Research Interests:
1. Optical and electronic characterization of organic semiconductors
2. Device physics of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), organic solar cells (OSCs) and organic field-effect transisitors (OFETs)
3. Prediction of optical and electronic properties of organic semiconductors using a quantum chemical approach
4. Machine-learning approach for the design of organic devices, electronic characterization and material development

Image Gallery of Equipments
Pictures are some of experimental equipments available in my laboratory.

Refereed journals
Book chapters
Invited talks
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